Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Starting Point (Weighing In!"

So I said in my post earlier today I'd put up my official before photos and measurements.

I got REALLY busy today, so I'm just now having a chance to do that. As a side note today has gone fairly well with regards to my diet. I have been hungry a lot though, so I feel like the protein shakes are not really cutting it by themselves, but I'm just so terrible at feeding myself.  I managed to create a fairly palatable salad for lunch though, but a quick inventory of my fridge this afternoon found me throwing out more than I actually used this week. I need to learn the right balance of produce to buy!

Anyway, down to business:

My official starting weight as of this morning: 170lbs

Starting Measurements:

Bust: 39" (would rather not lose this! LOL)
Waist: 32.5"
Tummy: 36.5
Hips: 40"
Thigh: 26" (the size my waist USED to be!)
Upper Arm: 12.5"

And here are my official BEFORE Pictures:

So there you have it. These look so bad. I swear, I don't even look this bad in person, but the camera always makes it look worse! But I wouldn't be posting this if I didn't plan to CHANGE IT!

Here is what I am trying to get BACK to (Minus the nonexistent boobs! )  But can you believe this is ME? I don't even look like the same person! 

(and the Funny part is I thought I was fat here! I was 16, and a size 3-5, and about 120 lbs.)

SO....tomorrow marks my FIRST day at the gym!  

I estimate I'm going to last all of five minutes in Cardio, and maybe another 5 on the stair master and be completely wiped out. I hope I can surprise myself and do better!

Did I mention I have NO idea what I'm doing, NO plan, and am following no actual diet?  I'm just kind of doing my own thing and discovering what works as I go along. 

I plan to post more of how I am eating, when I get a better grasp of it myself! Right now I think I'm just starving. 

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