Saturday, August 4, 2012

The gym, the gym, the gym!

I know I know.... I said I'd post an update, oh about a MONTH ago with my experience at the gym for the first time. I'm sorry! Better late than never right?

But I do have an excuse! :-( I was sick, I had family in town AND my little man was sick TWICE.  Everyone's been trading respiratory ick at my house, but it seems that it's finally passed and everyone is feeling better.

Since my last post, I have actually managed to make it to the gym THREE whole times. Hey, it's better than none right? :-D

On the down side I have not been careful about eating right. Not NEARLY what I should be, although I have increased the amounts of salads and veggies I have been eating. Keep in mind I have NO CLUE what the heck I'm doing. This is me, winging it!  I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't gained any either. My body is doing strange things though. For instance, my boobs are shrinking. No, seriously, sorry if it's TMI but the bras I have been wearing are suddenly gapping pretty badly. Figures the first place I'd take off inches is my chest! :-(

Now... the GYM.... let me just say the first time I went was AWFUL.  I went in full force with such confidence, stretched, and hopped on the treadmill and started running. BIG mistake.  After about two minutes, my heart rate was pounding at 190. I managed to stay on the treadmill all of 8 minutes and when I was done, I felt like my chest was going to split open, and I had all this horrible tension in my ears, throat and neck.

I did manage to calm down a little and do another 8 minutes on the stair master but the pain and tension in my head and ears remained so for about an hour. It was kind of scary.

After that, I resolved to slow down. WAY down.

My second visit to the Gym was a little better. I started out walking. Then power walking, and then I raised the incline I stayed on the treadmill for 10 minutes and got my heart rate up to a cool 160. Just enough to cause me to sweat but not enough to cause me to go into hysterics and quit.

After getting off the treadmill I felt GREAT and proceeded to the cycling machine. There was a couple of tough spots I had to work through as the machine adjusted the resistance to raise my heart rate, but I completed 10 minutes on the bike.  Then disappointment settled in as I felt lost afterword. I wanted to do more but I didn't know what, and I felt overwhelmed by all of the machines. Suddenly I was that awkward nerd in gym class again, about to get hit in the head with the ball because she didn't know where to stand.

So I left feeling a little defeated, although glad I got a workout in.

TODAY though. Today I decided to bring a friend who was used to the gym environment and familiar with all of the machines. I worked out nearly a solid hour and I feel GREAT!  I did 10 minutes on the treadmill and then felt like I could do 12. Then I decided to try the circuit. I got a total body workout, and don't feel sick at all! I might be a little sore tomorrow though. I think I really made a breakthrough today! I can't wait to go again.

I also found this REALLY inspirational blog:

She lost 110 pounds and at 32 is better than she ever was in her 20s. That's going to be me! Only thankfully I only have 40 pounds to lose.  Check out her before and after photos, they are absolutely amazing.

Now, I just have to plan a healthy dinner. I wonder if I will lose any weight from today? I hope so!

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